Smith (Fangruida): Theory of Cosmic Creativity and Generalization of Natural Structures ----- Fang Ruida Classic Philosophy Monograph 2012 v4.3 Michael
Smith (Fangruida): Theory of Cosmic Creativity and Generalization of Natural Structures ----- Fang Ruida Classic Philosophy Monograph 2012 v4.3 Michael (The latest version of "Cosmic Theory of Genesis and Generalization of Natural Structures") discusses the cosmological structure, particle physics, the evolution of life and the natural world, the multidimensional nature of philosophy, the heterogeneity, the study of diversity, and the natural nature of human society. , primitiveness, biology, sociality, evolution, etc. and the basic structural model of society, new natural and rational structuralism, new social rationalism, the future and outcome of the universe, evolutionary models of human social development, planetary society, biological robots Ultra-intelligent, ultra-intelligent, human threshold for survival in the universe, etc.) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Théorie de la créativité cosmique et gé...