The national emblems and patterns of some countries in the world (Fang Ruida)

The national emblems and patterns of some countries in the world (Fang Ruida)

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世界各國都有各自的國徽國旗國歌等,圖案,標誌,寓意等各有特色。下面選擇部分國家說明。 (資料來源:引自百科全書,維基百科,百度百科等以及世界各國網站等。)世人和學者,常言“文如其人”“語如其人”,未必十分準確。一個國家一個民族,各有特色,各有千秋,很難管中窺豹。但是,不可否認,其國徽具有相當大的象徵意義,這是毋庸置疑的。一個民族,一個國家的語言,文化,宗教,信仰,民族風俗,民族心理,民族性格,民族思維等躍然紙上,涉及到種族,政治,經濟,軍事,文化藝術,歷史,理性思維等等。

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美國國徽正面圖案的主要形像是象徵美國的白頭海雕(常被誤為是禿鷹),白頭海雕是力量、勇氣、自由和不朽的象徵。白頭海雕的雙翅展開。左右雕爪分別抓著象徵和平和武力的橄欖枝和箭。雕頭目視右方,象徵著期望和平。雕嘴叼著的綬帶上寫著拉丁文格言“合眾為一”(E Pluribus Unum)。雕頭上方的象徵著擁有主權的新生國家“光環”的藍色背景裡鑲著象徵美國最初13個州的13顆五角星。

尼日利亞國徽為一盾徽,面黑色。上繪有三條白色蛇行直線,在中間匯聚,形成一Y字,象徵著該國肥沃的土地和主要的河流尼日爾河和貝努埃河。護盾獸為兩隻白馬,象徵尊嚴。花環綠白兩色,象征農業。上有鷹,象徵力量。地上為尼日利亞的國花絹毛鳶尾。飾帶書上英語:UNITY AND FAITH (“統一與信仰”)。

埃及國徽(阿拉伯語:شعار مصر‎‎)現行國徽是一面盾徽,1984年啟用,繪有國旗的三色直條,置於一隻薩拉丁之鷹胸前。鷹爪抓住書有“阿拉伯埃及共和國”的飾帶。


德國國徽的概念以及涵義為金黃色的盾徽。盾面上是一頭紅爪紅嘴、雙翼展開的黑鷹,黑鷹象徵著力量,堅毅和勇氣。 1950年制定的德國國徽也是歷史的產物。其圖案為一枚土黃色盾徽上繪一隻風格獨特的黑色雄鷹,鷹的喙、爪均為紅色。

法國國徽基本介紹 紋章為橢圓形,上繪有大革命時期流行的標誌之一——束棒,這是古羅馬高級執法官用的權標,是權威的象徵。 (束棒兩側飾有橄欖枝和橡樹枝葉,其間纏繞的飾帶上用法文寫著“自由、平等、博愛”。 整個圖案由帶有古羅馬軍團勳章的綬帶環飾。



阿拉伯聯合酋長國國徽(阿拉伯語:شعار الإمارات العربية المتحدة‎‎)啟用於2008年3月22日.,為一個繪有國旗圖案的圓形,圍以像徵七個酋長國的五角星,置於一隻隼的胸前。隼爪下的綬帶書有“阿拉伯聯合酋長國”。

底部的藍色飾帶寫上了巴西聯邦共和國 (República Federativa do Brasil)的字樣,以下為共和國成立的日期:1889年11月15日。中間有一柄劍,銀色。護手藍色鑲黃邊。柄腳紅色,飾以一黃色五角星。





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方瑞達 2010年5月

The national emblems and patterns of some countries in the world (Fang Ruida)
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Each country in the world has its own national emblem and national anthem, etc. Its designs, logos, and symbols all have their own characteristics. Select some country descriptions below. (Source: Quoted from encyclopedias, Wikipedia, Baidu Encyclopedia, etc., as well as websites of various countries in the world.) The world and scholars often say that “there is a person” and “there is no one” is not necessarily accurate. A country, a nation, each with its own characteristics, and each has its own merits, is very difficult to watch the leopard. However, it is undeniable that its national emblem has considerable symbolic significance. This is unquestionable. A nation, a country's language, culture, religion, beliefs, national customs, national psychology, national character, national thinking, etc., leap to the page, involving race, politics, economy, military, culture and art, history, rational thinking and so on.

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The pattern of the emblem of the Republic of India is derived from the stone carvings at the top of the column of Asoka in the Peacock Dynasty. Three golden lions stand on a round platform symbolizing confidence, courage and strength. There are four guarding animals around the platform: the east is like elephants, the south is horses, the west is cows, and the north is lions. Underneath the male lion is a wheel of Hinduism. The guardians on both sides symbolize the long history of agriculture and unwavering determination and perseverance; the following words in Sanskrit, written in Sanskrit, are from the ancient Hindu holy book. There is truth to victory."

The emblem of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is the emblem of the British crown. The center pattern is a coat of arms. The upper left and lower right corners on the shield surface are three golden lions on the red background, symbolizing England; the upper right corner is a gold lion standing on the upper half of the gold base, symbolizing Scotland; and the lower left corner is gold on the blue background. The yellow harp symbolizes Northern Ireland. Each side of the coat of arms was guarded by a lion and a unicorn who wore a crown and represented England and Scotland.

The emblem of the Russian Federation is a coat of arms. On the red shield there is a golden double-headed eagle. On the head of the eagle is the three crowns of Peter the Great. The claws of the hawk are clutching the scepter and gold ball that symbolizes the imperial power. Eagle's chest is a small shield with a knight and a white horse on top representing Moscow, the capital. The knight faced to the right, wearing silver armor and a light blue cloak, and grabbed a sharp golden spear in his hand to stab a black snake-like monster. It was established on the basis of the legend of the serpent demon in the "George Cross" in 1781. The double-headed Golden Eagle looks at both sides of the East and West, representing Russia as a country that crosses Asia and Europe and two continents; the three crowns symbolize that the country is a unified Russian Federation; the golden ball and the cane symbolize that the unity of the country is a sacred and inviolable power; On the center's small shield, the Warrior St. George (Russian Guardian saint) crossed the white horse and killed the evil viper with spears.

The Swiss National Emblem is a coat of arms painted with a white cross on the red ground. Its meaning is the same as that of the national flag. The origin of the Swiss flag is the flag of the Holy Roman Emperor Frederick II, which was given to the people of Schwyz as a mark of freedom.

The main image of the front emblem of the US National Emblem is a white-headed sea eagle that symbolizes the United States (often mistaken for a bald eagle). The white-headed sea eagle is a symbol of strength, courage, freedom, and immortality. The wings of the bald eagle are spreading. Left and right claws hold olive branches and arrows that symbolize peace and force. The head of the statue looks to the right, symbolizing the desire for peace. The sculpted lips of the sculpted lips read the Latin maxim “E Pluribus Unum”. Above the head of the eagle, a blue background symbolizing the sovereignty of the newly born “aura” is engraved with 13 five-pointed stars that symbolize the first 13 states of the United States.

The Nigerian national emblem is a coat of arms and black. Three white snakes line the line and converge in the middle to form a Y, symbolizing the fertile land of the country and the major rivers Niger and Benue. Shield beasts are two white horses, symbolizing dignity. The garlands are green and white, symbolizing agriculture. There are eagles on it, symbolizing power. On the ground is Nigeria's national flower mane. Strap book on English: UNITY AND FAITH ("Unification and Faith").

The Egyptian national emblem (Arabic: شعار مصر) The current national emblem is a coat of arms. It was opened in 1984. The three-colored flag with the national flag was placed on the chest of a Saladin eagle. Eagle Claw grabbed the book "The Arab Republic of Egypt".
The emblem of Egypt between 1972 and 1984 was a eagle of Quraish.

In the middle of the Chinese national emblem is the five-pointed five-pointed star of the Tiananmen Square. The four small five-pointed stars above the Tiananmen tower surround a large five-pointed star in a semi-arc. The national emblem is surrounded by grain spikes and gears.

The concept of the German national emblem and the meaning of the golden coat of arms. On the surface of the shield is a black eagle with red claws and black beaks and wings. The black eagle symbolizes strength, perseverance and courage. The German national emblem established in 1950 is also a product of history. The pattern is a khaki coat of arms painted on a unique black eagle, the eagle's jaw and claws are red.

The basic emblem of the French National Emblem The emblem of the coat of arms is elliptical. It contains one of the symbols of the popular period of the Revolution — the beam rod. This is the symbol used by the senior Roman law enforcement officials and a symbol of authority. (The olive sticks and oak branches and leaves are decorated on both sides of the bunched rods, and the French language “Freedom, Equality, and Fraternity” is written in the ensuing ribbon. The entire pattern is decorated with a ribbon ring with an ancient Roman legion.

The national emblem of the Republic of South Africa was formally launched on April 27, 2000 to replace the old national emblem that had been used since 1910, symbolizing the formal distinction between South Africa and the apartheid system.
The center of the national emblem is a coat of arms painted with two people greeting each other. The outside is decorated with ivory and wheat ears. The book on the bottom of the band includes the national motto "One in pluralism." Above the shield are painted spears and sticks, imperial flowers, a secretary bird, and the rising sun.

The Iranian national emblem consists of two words: Allah and the Proverbs: "All things are not the Lord, but Allah". The former is simplified as a supersonic symbol, and the latter is presented in the form of four new moons and swords. The entire pattern also looks like a tulip and is a symbol of martyrs in Iran.

The emblem of the United Arab Emirates (Arabic: شعار الإمارات العربية المتحدة) was commissioned on March 22, 2008. It was a circle with a national flag and was surrounded by a five-pointed star that symbolized seven emirates. Chest. The ribbon book under the claws is "United Arab Emirates."
The original national emblem was opened in 1973. The difference from the new national emblem is that the dagger is painted with a dhow in front of the chest and the chain is attached to the outside.

The national emblem of Brazil was opened on November 19, 1889, four days after the establishment of the Federal Republic.
It is round, with light at the end and a star-shaped star. Rings are coffee and tobacco branches, both of which are major crops in the country. In the middle of the circle, the Southern Cross was painted and it was surrounded by 27 stars representing 26 states and the Federal District. Plus yellow and green five-pointed star with red and yellow edges.
The blue ribbon on the bottom is written with the name of the Republic of Brazil (República Federativa do Brasil). The following is the date when the Republic was founded: November 15, 1889. There is a sword in the middle, silver. Handguards blue with yellow edges. The shank is red and decorated with a yellow star.

Turkey has no official national emblem. Replaced by a sign used by many government agencies. The symbol consists of a red oval with vertically placed stars and crescent moons from the Turkish flag and surrounding the country’s official name written in Turkish. The symbol on the Turkish passport cover page is a simple star and moon pattern.

The national emblem of Japan is a royal emblem. In Japan, because the law does not establish an official national emblem, it is customary that the emblem of the Imperial Family of Japan (“Eight Royals”) is “Liquid of 16 petals”. A representative national badge is used.

The above brief introduction is for readers' reference only. Detailed information can be read in related books and websites.

(References, sources: World Encyclopedia, Wikipedia, Baidu Encyclopedia, Encyclopedia Britannica, UN website, etc.)

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Fang Ruida May 2010


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