Fangruida: The philosophers are using humanity’s greatest and most powerful rational force to eradicate the inferior nature of eradication of primitive animal remnants in the human world, as well as biased and unreliable biases and extremes.
Fangruida classiques célèbres citations Fangruida classic famous quotes方瑞達 經典名句名言 (louse 2012 Geneva Paris) ********************************************************************************************** 方瑞达自然哲学名言:地球是圆形因为它时刻在转动;人类世界是方形加菱形,他不像是在转动,倒像是在不休止的搏动和扰动。 La philosophie naturelle de Fang Ruida: La terre est ronde parce qu'elle bouge à tout moment, le monde humain est un carré plus un diamant, et il ne semble pas tourner, mais il semble qu'il y ait des pulsations et des perturbations sans fin. Fang Ruida's natural philosophy: The earth is round because it is moving at all times; the human world is a square plus a diamond, and he does not seem to be turning, but it seems that there are endless pulsations and perturbations. 人類世界並不是天然的百花園,恰恰相反,它是荊棘叢生的百草地。只有辛勤和披荊斬棘,才能開拓構築最美麗的境界。 The human world is not a natural garden. On the contrary, it is a hundred meadows full of bushes. Only hard work and hardships can open up and build...